About CloudProxies
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About CloudProxies
[url= https://cloudproxies.com]https://cloudproxies.com[/url] : CloudProxies are honored and proud to be the only supplier of high quality and cheap USA & EU Proxies. Proxy we provide is always guaranteed online and is the most enthusiastic support.
What is a proxy?
Proxy acts as a gateway between the user and the Internet. This is an intermediary server between the end user and the website they visit. Proxy servers offer different functions, security, and privacy depending on your needs or company policy.
If you are using a proxy server, Internet traffic will flow through the proxy server its way to the address you requested. This request will then return to the same proxy server (there is an exception to this rule as well), and that proxy server forwards the data received from the website to the user.
What is a proxy for?
Speaking in specialized language, it's a bit confusing. But understand roughly to change the IP to access the network only.
When you have many facebook accounts login on 1 computer. You want to change the IP to log in to a different IP account, you use a proxy
When you want to increase the view for the website or view on Youtube, you have to change the IP which means using Proxy
Who needs to use a Proxy?
Use proxy to change IP so it is suitable for the following objects:
People make money online like making money from youtube, making money from google ads.
People who raise facebook nick to divide and fixed IP for many nick they adopt
People who want to increase views for the web
People want to hide their official IP to do something online.
Where to buy private proxies?
You can buy high quality and cheap proxies at CloudProxies.com. We offer a wide range of proxies services:
- Dedicated Proxies
- Shared Proxies
- Backconnect Proxies
- Rotating Proxies
- Sneaker Proxies
- Social Proxies
Our website:
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