The child was physically attacked. How do you notice it?
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The child was physically attacked. How do you notice it?
Child being assaulted How do you notice it? How to know if your child has been physically abused?
Problems of children being assaulted, child abuse, physical abuse. It's something that society brings back to talk about again. In the past several days Because it has famous news About the case of Teacher Jum, a school teacher A famous private sector in Nonthaburi province who has suffered many cruel and abusive behavior. From the evidence that has been released via CCTV cameras, the more the story has been enlarged. We have seen that in school There are many teachers who behave the same way, assault children like this. Not recently But it has been around for a very long time Both using the wand Punishment by various methods that have been passed down in Thai society for a long time. Until we can talk about it seriously Today we will talk about Parent signs Can be observed When there is a suspicion that our child has been physically abused
How to recognize a child being physically abused
We will be able to observe how our child or child has been physically abused in several ways:
Came home with a wound on his body I don't know where it came from, injuries, abrasions, burns, eyes, bruises, fractures, cuts, cuts, bites, or other evidence of injury.
Perhaps following the child's body There may be no visible lesions, try to observe the behavior of the child. That may change instead, for example, the child looks sad, has silence, no words, anger, intense emotions, shows fear Other adults or their parents cry when going to school or temporary daycare.If the child is particularly frightened by the staff or teacher, this is a worrying sign.
Find out how a child is sexually abused, read more here:slotxo
nakanda- Tổng số bài gửi : 37
Join date : 29/09/2020
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