[How To] Change program icon in iOS 14 easily with Shortcut Apps.
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[How To] Change program icon in iOS 14 easily with Shortcut Apps.
Due to changes in the latest version of iOS 14 Comes with the advantages of customizing the Home Screen and adding a Widget that is very convenient. Recently, for those who want to change the icon of the application today, the Sanook Hitech team has an easy way to change it through a program called Shortcut. There are ways to change it as follows.
First of all, hide Logo Apps first by putting it in Apps Suggest or Apps library that is the most white-handed, then the new icon can be loaded on either Google or Pinterest.
Then find the program Shortcut or a ดาวน์โหลด slotxo shortcut to install it via one swipe down and select it and press +. It will create a new command. Then press to add action settings (Add Action) and choose to Open Apps or open apps
Once you open Apps, select the program. Then select the desired program Once selected, press 3 dots and press Add to Home Screen.
From now on, the program will name and change the icon, click on the selected image. Then tap a picture or Choose Photo.
Select the desired image and arrange the corner to be correct, then press select and the icon will be displayed on the home page that you want.
This will get an application icon in iOS or iPad OS, it will not be the same anymore. Anyone who tries to use it and get a picture, can show it on Sanook Hitech's Facebook Page.
limited88- Khách viếng thăm
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