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How The Staves fought grief to find their way back to music

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How The Staves fought grief to find their way back to music Empty How The Staves fought grief to find their way back to music

Bài gửi by chanchai Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:08 pm

Late last year, The Staves carefully placed a microphone at one end of a barn, walked to the very far corner, and started recording.
How The Staves fought grief to find their way back to music _114963491_bwthestaves-7151
The distance was necessary because the sisters - Emily, Camilla and Jessica - were planning to scream one line over and over, until their throats were raw: "I'm a good woman."

It's a lyric that gives the band's third album its title: A statement of confidence and defiance, after a turbulent couple of years that left the trio questioning themselves and their career.

Their lives were turned upside down in summer 2018, when they suddenly and unexpectedly lost their mother, Jean, a former teacher who had encouraged them to follow their dream of making music.

Her death came just two weeks after their grandmother died. Within a month, Camilla had broken up with her long-term boyfriend in Minneapolis, and found herself moving back to the UK.

For more information, please visit  pg Very Happy  Very Happy


Tổng số bài gửi : 19
Join date : 13/10/2020

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