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France bestows the decrees of the highest class to the deceased 'teacher'

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France bestows the decrees of the highest class to the deceased 'teacher' Empty France bestows the decrees of the highest class to the deceased 'teacher'

Bài gửi by annee Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:47 pm

France bestows the decrees of the highest class to the deceased 'teacher' 563000011050401

The French government has announced it will present the highest-ranking Order of Honor to Samuel Paty, a 47-year-old history teacher, who was beheaded by an Islamist last week.

Jean-Michel Blancker, French Minister of Education In an interview with BFM TV yesterday (Oct. 20) that the government has decided to give a special edition of the "Legion d'Honneur", the country's highest order, to the deceased teacher. President Emmanuel Macron will attend the commemorative ceremony held at Sorbonne University today (21).

Pat was brutally murdered in broad slotxo daylight. On the street in front of a high school on the outskirts of Paris While the criminal, an 18-year-old Chechen refugee, was taken by the Special Police.

France bestows the decrees of the highest class to the deceased 'teacher' 563000011050402

The murderer decides to kill his teacher in revenge for using a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad from Charlie Ebdo magazine to teach students freedom of expression.

Muslims consider a drawing or a replica of the Prophet Muhammad. Whether it is mimicry or not Are forbidden

This brutal murder shocked the entire French. And reinforces painful memories of the Charlie Ebdo shooting five years ago

The famous people condemn it as an attack on the Republic and the values ​​that form the foundation of French society.

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