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Does "drinking milk" cause "acne" or not?

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Does "drinking milk" cause "acne" or not? Empty Does "drinking milk" cause "acne" or not?

Bài gửi by Busba1122 Thu Sep 17, 2020 2:37 pm

Does "drinking milk" cause "acne" or not? AHR0cHM6Ly9zLmlzYW5vb2suY29tL2hlLzAvdWQvNS8yNTA1NS9kcmluay1taWxrLmpwZw==

I don't know if anyone ever noticed when they had acne, or whether the pimples were formed at that time. Because washing your face is not clean? Because it's going to be a period? Because of cosmetics? Because of stress? Or is it because of the food?
A few days ago One Twitter user shared how to get rid of acne. That user stated Drinking milk and eating dairy products Contributed to acne Which if you abstain from drinking milk or eating from milk Will help acne heal That leaves many people wondering, is "drinking milk" really one of the causes of "acne"?
If asked if milk "contributes" to acne, you can answer "yes" but if asked how sure it is. “There is no definitive research yet,” but one study found that drinking milk or consuming dairy foods. It can cause unwanted "acne" things, what is it?
Acne matters
Acne is very familiar to almost everyone. Because everyone has been through a period of youth. But will be more or less, it depends on people This is because what is the variant that causes acne during reproductive age is "hormones", especially "Growth Hormone". It is the age that has changed from a growing child to an adult. At this age, growth hormone levels are the highest. At the same time, hormone levels are always inversely inverse.
Growth hormone is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. The important function of growth hormone is known as a hormone that helps in the growth of the body, height, muscle, bone mass, the growth hormone is also involved in the metabolism in the body. Because it has a chemical structure similar to that of insulin Therefore having the ability to regulate blood sugar levels
This growth hormone affects the sebaceous glands. If the body has high hormone levels Causing the sebaceous glands to be stimulated and to generate more fat So much that the pores become clogged This blockage causes P.acne bacteria (bacteria that cause acne) to thrive and digest fats. White blood cells that are responsible for dealing with foreign bodies (P.acne bacteria) are gathered in that area. Causing inflammation until it becomes acne
So how does eating dairy foods cause acne?
While there is currently no conclusive evidence that dairy ส ล็ อด consumption can cause “direct” acne breakouts, “indirect” milk can contribute to more severe inflammatory acne.
One 2018 study tested the hypothesis on whether the consumption of dairy products affected acne breakouts. Using a sample group of 78,529 people, mixed, both childhood, adolescent and adult. The results obtained from this study found a link between milk consumption and acne.
Milk is known to be highly nutritious, especially "protein", where the main proteins in milk are whey and casein proteins. It also contains natural growth hormones. with Whey will increase the level of insulin in the blood. At the same time, casein increases growth hormone. Therefore, these proteins
are important factors that can trigger acne. Therefore, when analyzing this association, it can be seen that the protein in milk has a greater effect on acne than the fat content of milk.


Tổng số bài gửi : 15
Join date : 03/09/2020

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